International AI‑driven software company

Helping established corporate clients and innovative startups succeed.

Notum happy developer
Notum tech team
Quick history lesson

Notum was founded in 2018 by Jiri and Ondrej (one designer from a super small agency, the other from a tech guy from a corporation) to find the ideal mix of speed and structure.

notum deloitte
rigi kulm
Nearshore's best fit
Long-term tech partner

We work with giants of Konica Minolta, Siemens, Noimos by AXA, and Salt.

We create autonomous, transparent and engaged teams working mostly on web and mobile apps with a single point of contact.

  1. AI/ML-powered mobile applications
    We help big companies stay at the edge by creating next-gen apps (skeleton tracking, industry automation). This means we often work with R&D departments.
  2. Corporate websites
    We develop websites for telco and insurance companies (for example | |
  3. Team extension
    We expand your team with deep front-end and back-end knowledge while being a remote nearshoring partner. We regularly come to your Swiss office.
Strapi Notum guys
Our side projects
Besides Notum, we’ve launched our startup - the biggest therapy portal in the Czech Republic and helped 15.000+ people find their therapist. It is of course Strapi-powered.

Organization helping the Czech government write better tenders not only based on price but also quality. With a first official successful tender!
Working with leading organizations on identifying and assisting digitally excluded, such as disadvantaged children, low-income adults, and the elderly, to enhance their digital literacy and inclusion.

Planting trees
We are tree lovers and every month we send money for planting more trees.

What does your team look like?

We are a team of 40+ professionals providing long-term services to 12+ countries. We have an office in the Czech Republic with the HQ in Brno. And most of us meet here every day.

Notum Happy team
Got a project?
Jiri Mouka photo

Jiri Mouka | Founder

+41 076 629 91 78